BUTTERFLY Trading, L.t.d. was founded on the 23rd of August 2005 as a company specializing in commercial and private sector wholesale activities regarding mosaic interiors. The brand BUTTERFLY itself has been known on the market since 1990.
We offer a wide range of products not only of our own production.
The company has been active on both Czech and foreign (EU) markets.
At the present day our activities have been reaching new fields. We provide a full service for big projects investors including consultations and determination of the right materials that meet the desired technical parameters, design and price. Along with that we provide visualisation and consultation with construction and assembly manager that are carried out by our experts and supply coordinator on each site.
In the field of production we focus primarily on images and designs completions using different mosaics, glass, ceramics and other materials.
The main target of the company is quality, design and customers‘ satisfaction.